Saturday, August 13, 2011

12 Miles...Whew!

So I got my 12 miles in this morning! My attitude from the middle of the week is definitely better now. I won't say it was easy, but I did feel better about things. Last night I went out and bought a running belt along with my first package of Gu, and was very excited to use my new stuff on my run. However, I didn't even make it out of my street before I dumped the belt, and stuffed the Gu in my shorts. It kept bouncing everywhere, and I knew I couldn't wear it for 12 miles. I'm hoping I can return it, and am thinking that I went with the cheaper choice, but to no avail. On the other hand, I ate my Gu at mile 6 when I turned around and was pleased with it. I've never eaten anything like that during a workout, so I'm not sure what it would have been like without it, but I felt good about my nutrition and hydration through the whole run. The Gu took me about a mile to eat it all because I just felt like it was heavy, but worth it in the end. Have any of you tried anything other food type items, or running belts?

I hope your runs went well! I was thinking of you all!

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