Ali - the Captain

On October 10, 2010, I was sitting with my brother and his girlfriend at a pizza place after completing the Chicago Marathon. You would think after running 26.2 miles that I would be capable of taking down an entire pizza all by myself. But there I was, barely able to sit at the table and unable to stomach even the sight of food. With Scott and Jamie as my witnesses, I vowed to never run a marathon again.

Well, a little over two months after making that promise, my dear friend of 16 years had no trouble getting me back on the horse. How could I turn down the opportunity to run with five of the girls who have helped make me the person I am today? After all we have been through in soccer and life, I could think of no better way to celebrate our friendship than to experience all of the ups and downs that come with taking on what I believe to be the ultimate in athletic achievement. So grab your bows and light that torch, Mary.......the Cobras are running a marathon!