Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Final marathon tips

For what it's worth, I put together a few tips with the help of some marathon veteran friends of mine. Do with them what you will!

1. Drink and/or eat something at EVERY water stop, even if you don't feel thirsty. This is probably the single most important tip.
2. Carry enough Gu, cliff blocks, etc to last you until the end. It is really helpful to keep your cliff blocks in a plastic baggy and stuff them in a pocket for easy access during the race. After the halfway point, I like to alternate water, gatorade, and cliff blocks at each stop because I feel like it keeps my body guessing.
3. Mentally break up the race into small sections. For example, it seems way more managable if you break it up into 4 mile intervals after 12. You have conquered so many 4 mile loops in your training, and that makes it easier to keep going when it's hurting.
4. Tell your fans which side of the road you will be running on so they can spot you more easily.
5. BODY GLIDE!!!! You just can't apply enough of that stuff!
6. Don't go out too hard during the first half. Find a comfortable pace so you are feeling good at halfway, and you can gradually turn it on during the back half. I have made this mistake before and it made for a very ugly finish.
7. Have a few topics in mind that can take your mind off the race during a particularly difficult stretch. Since we'll be in our nation's capital, maybe name all of the U.S. presidents (that may only work for those that were in choir at Clay Junior High). How about thinking of names for baby Kersey?
8. I don't care if you are an Olympic marathoner or a first-timer, EVERYONE hits a wall at some point during the race. Usually it happens during the last 6 miles, so if you know it's coming you can find the mental strength to push through it. You have trained so hard to get here and you have the physical ability to finish, so don't let your mind get the best of you! There is no shame in walking, just make sure you cross that finish line!
9. This race is supposed to have some of the best fans of any marathon, and they all will be cheering for you (especially with your name on the front of your shirt)! Take the time to look around at all of the beautiful sites and really enjoy your big moment.
10. With all we have been through together after 10 years of the Cobras and 17 years of friendship, this marathon is really a piece of cake! May the sweet sound of Gloria Estefan be running through your mind as you make it across that finish line.

Thank you all for giving me a reason to run again.

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